Quote Originally Posted by CSC2005 View Post
For what it is worth I think INR is the cream of the crop for intel analysis. They do not rely on billion dollar collection systems or having thousands of analysts, instead they focus on history, culture, language and in-country experience. Their products are focused toward the diplomatic leadership, but they are first rate for deep analysis. The only problem is that many foreign service officers, who run DoS, think they are better than intel analysts and INR gets second billing in the very political senior levels of the DoS.

Those are just my two cents from working with then. The big agencies have alot to learn form INR. I welcome any other thoughts.

Though I am now over 7 years removed from the IC, my impressions in the 80's and 90's echo your observations. Whenever an INR analyst spoke at a NIE or any other gathering of community analysts I listened because there was meat behind what they had to say - and like you said - based on history, culture, language and in-country experience.
