Quote Originally Posted by kowalskil View Post
I still do not know what can be done to eliminate endless futile conflicts between theists and atheists.
Absolutely nothing, but I think the question isn't posed clearly enough.

True atheists have no faith or belief in the existence of any supreme being, a distinctly different principle than a faith that there is no supreme being. They don't waste any time debating the issue. They have recognized from the start that there is no way to debate any issue when the terms of debate have been placed above and beyond any realm of proof or reason.

Likewise, "theists," people who experience true faith, agree completely that their faith is a personal experience above and beyond any realm of proof or reason, and therefore can not be offered as proof of anything to anybody.

The truly faithful and the truly atheist don't engage in this "conflict" because both "sides" view it is a meaningless, pointless waste of time.

The conflict you are referring to is between two different faith groups seeking to validate their beliefs through conversion of others to their point of view. Trying to debate the issue is involving oneself in a religious war.