Quote Originally Posted by SteveMetz View Post
Officials at the detention center said Manning was not "forced" to stand naked during roll call, but elected to. If the accusations are accurate, Manning is a chronic liar with a victim complex. He has a vested personal interest in portraying himself as a victim. Yet you seem to have accepted his word over that of military officials who have not been accused of lying and who have no vested interest in misportraying the situation.

I'll disagree. IMO, you've been duped by the propaganda of Manning's supporters.
Whatever Steve.

Personally an intelligent person would be prudent to not take the government and sadly also the military at its word.

Like Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib this is another own goal by the US government.

Try to read this article with and open mind and see if it helps... Lessons from Manning's transfer out of Quantico