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Thread: Crowdsourcing on AQ and Analysis (new title)

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  1. #1
    Council Member
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    Cambridge, MA

    Default AQ Donor Support Before & After UBL: Poll Results #4

    While poll results #1, #2, and #3 were all interesting in their own way, I believe the results of the AQ donor support question are the most interesting so far. Due to the fortunate timing of UBL's demise, I was able to run the same poll question the week prior and the week after UBL's death.

    The first poll, AQ Strategy 2011-2012, initiated the crowdsourcing experiment on 27 April and 272 respondents tallied their votes for the following question:

    Over the next two years, the largest portion of Gulf donor contributions to extremism will: (You can choose only one)

    The second poll, Post UBL Poll, began on the morning of May 2nd and 132 respondents cast their votes to roughly the same question with the same response choices. (Many voters from the first poll also voted in the second poll)

    After UBL's death, the largest portion of Gulf donor contributions to extremism will: (You can choose only one)

    The before and after results from this question, I believe, illustrate Bin Laden's significance to AQ Central operations. It also suggests that UBL's death may significantly help AQAP's rise in Yemen.

    Interesting results across the board. Here are a few that I picked out.

    -Votes for "Shift to AQAP" increased dramatically after UBL's death.
    -Votes for "Remain supporting AQ & Taliban in AFPAK" decreased sharply after UBL's death.
    -10% of 'Academia' and 'Private Sector' voters moved away from "Shift to Islamist groups in North African uprisings".

    In terms of volatility, 'Academia' had the highest volatility in their opinion before and after UBL's death. I found this particularly interesting as the 'Academia' crowd was the group most likely to select "Status Quo - No Significant Change" as the "Chief Consequence of UBL's death" in Poll Results #2. Based on their voting shift after UBL's death, I would have expected the 'Academia' group to have selected "AQ fundraising decreases" or "AQAP becomes new AQ Central".

    For graphs, tables and additional analysis to what has been the most interesting poll result thus far, see

  2. #2
    Council Member
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    Cambridge, MA

    Default Bin Laden's death & the Afghanistan Mission

    The Post UBL Poll asked the following question during the week immediately following UBL’s death:

    What will be the chief consequence of UBL’s death for the U.S. and its Western allies?

    140 respondents answered this question with surprisingly uniform distribution of votes across all professional categories and question responses.

    -Most voters (44%) thought UBL’s death would result in no significant change in U.S. & NATO operations

    -Many (36%) thought public pressure would force the withdrawal of Western partners from Afghanistan

    -Few (20%) thought UBL’s death would shift the strategy from counterinsurgency (COIN) focus in Afghanistan to a regional counterterrorism (CT) focus in AFPAK.

    Military voters were the only sub-group that thought somewhat differently than the overall crowd. Most military voters believe UBL’s death will lead to the exit of their NATO partners. (47% for Military compared to 37% for the crowd as a whole)

    For graphs and additional analysis, see this link:

  3. #3
    Council Member
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    May 2008
    Cambridge, MA

    Default AQ Affiliates after Bin Laden: Poll Results #6a

    This week’s poll results focus on AQ affiliates. Specifically, which AQ affiliate will lead AQ’s next chapter. I asked several questions in the AQ Strategy Poll and the Post UBL Poll addressing this issue. This week, I’ll release several results from the AQ Strategy Poll but will begin today with the results of the Post UBL Poll question:

    With respect to UBL’s death, which AQ affiliate will be the primary node of AQ over the next 2 years?

    133 respondents answered this question the week after UBL’s death revealing some interesting insights:

    -More than half (50%) of all voters identified AQAP in Yemen as the key affiliate for AQ globally.

    -‘Academia’ respondents selected “AQAP in Yemen” at a far higher rate than other professional groups and “AQ Central in AFPAK” at a far lower rate than other professional groups.

    -‘Academia’ and ‘Government’ voters were less concerned by an emerging “AQ affiliate amongst North African uprisings” than ‘Students’ and ‘Private Sector’ voters.

    For more analysis and charts, see the following link:

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