The Washington Post also has more on MMOWGLI:

Navy calling on gamers to help with security
By David Nakamura, Published: May 15

To combat Somali pirates, the U.S. Navy has relied on warships, snipers and SEAL teams. Now, it is turning to the heavy artillery: Internet gamers.

This month, the Office of Naval Research will roll out the military’s first-ever online war game open to the public, crowd-sourcing the challenges of maritime security to thousands of “players” sitting in front of their computers.

The project — named MMOWGLI (the acronym for Massively Multiplayer Online Wargame Leveraging the Internet) — is a video game for policy wonks. It aims to replicate a traditional military strategy session on an exponentially larger scale, bringing together a diverse mix of government and outside experts that would be impossible even in the largest Pentagon conference room.
I've got a few additional thoughts of my own at PAXsims--including some reflections on SWJ/SWC as a competing model of how to "crowd-source" innovative policy ideas.