If I may pick and choose from your post:

Quote Originally Posted by Barton View Post
In 1940 the United States wanted a series of rights in Britain's Carribean colonies in return for a number of obsolete American tin can destroyers.

It can be argued that FDR and is progressive Demnocratic party saw Britains empire as inherently evil.

FDR saw Britain's condition during the Second World War as a advantage to crack open the Pound`s trading sphere.

FDR was anti-imperialist to his core and tried to bind the UK ninto the dismantalling of the British Empire.

... Britain pulled out of India with disasterous effects. ...All in all the decolonisation of the British Empire is complex affair
I just wanted to summarize what you said to indicate that we are largely in agreement over the attitude of FDR towards screwing the Brits for economic advantage... and too hell with the consequences.