If I did, it was to prove a point to your meanderings. And you did not have the courage to come there and be exposed, right? Surely, if you are so gung ho here, you could go there and prove your worth.
Some guy I don't know directs me to a forum I've never heard of to talk about a topic he didn't want to talk about on the forum where the question was originally asked and has essentially rephrased into a different topic? I'm not that gung ho. Why didn't you discuss the question here if you were so interested? Or ask your chums to join SWC?

CCP is a circus! Have you some doubt? Hasn't it been proved by posters who are better equipped than me?
Fair enough.

I don't see Tamil movies since I don't know the language.

Are you trying to show off that you are a linguist? Or just 'dropping names' just to indicate or pretend you are some know all?

I do know some Tamil cuss words, if that will help!
The movies were listed in the Straits Times as, "Tamil Movie". There wasn't much on TV back then, so you'd end up watching whatever was on. Stating that I'm monolingual and still managing to show off that I'm a linguist. You can't beat that, really.

I hope this opportunity to prove your courage and your worth, uh, on the internet, has been as enjoyable for you as it has for me.