Language and enculturation requires a command level influence and disposition of resources that reflect a respect for the culture of an indigenous population and an inherent respect for the force multiplier being able to walk and talk with native’s means.

Machine language translation and the tie in of ontological semantics expose several conceptual issues with any translation device. The technologies to accomplish machine translation from one language to another are usually based on discrete rule sets that will not include idiomatic or slangisms that the culture may have invented since the last update.

Ontological semantical or conceptual analysis definitely helps but the “burr under the saddle” for voice translation will be the “to, too, 2, there, their, they’re, etc…” of the English language. Capturing context, translating context, and displaying context is nearing on impossible between cultures.

When the Pioneer 11 space craft included the depiction of man and woman with information to find earth the discussion was whether the context was a greeting card or as a menu.