
Glad you enjoy the series as much as I do. Your links are always interesting, the Walt Disney Airpower series way back when blew my mind.


One can argue that an education enables one to connect the global flow of information and commerce. This connection has the potential to strengthen the connected, strengthen communities, and place positive pressure upon various elites (political, economic, military, etc.) to act in a responsible manner which benefits the whole.

With respect to outcomes, actions speak louder than rhetoric. We can observe that various organizations & individuals, state sponsored and transnational, consistently allocate capital (land, labor, entrepreneurship, organization, management, etc) across the globe in order to provide education to various demographics - (The spectrum includes local schools & universities, Catholic Schools, Madrassas, NGO's, IO's, SF Trainers, CA-Bubba's, etc). Some efforts are more efficient than others. Irrespective of efficiencies, all recognize the 'empowering' value of an education.

Visible points of measurement of educational effectiveness include International Trade, Capital Flows, and Jobs.

Business models for education are evolving. You, I, our relatives, and global inhabitants are no longer educationally circumscribed by various actors. An education enables one to connect the global flow of information and commerce.

Each of us can positively change the world at some level if we choose. Khan Academy pass it on...