In case anyone had come to believe that the yanks had faleen asleep behind the wheel on this one their 'best and brightest' officers (on Command and Staff course) periodically produce intelligent comment on this matter... but as they say 'it is extremely difficult to turn a supertanker in high seas'.

American Centurions: Developing U.S. Army Tactical Leadership for the Twenty-first Century

In this paper Major Timothy F. Watson in his conclusion states:

..the U.S. Army should consider instituting a standardized assessment and selection board to screen officer candidates. The assessment and selection board identifies those most likely to succeed in pre-commissioning programs and as future officers thereby preserving the valuable resources dedicated towards developing leaders.
I agree (FWIW) and hope that this kind of thinking officer (probably by now a full Col or Brig) can figure out how to turn a supertanker in high seas.

(Then) Maj Watson's paper is well worth a read.