Spain's Rajoy Hints Bailout a Possibility, By JONATHAN HOUSE, 3 Aug 2012,

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy opened the door—slightly—to requesting support from the euro-zone bailout fund to help ease Spain's deepening financial crisis.
In recent days, however, Spanish officials had begun to concede in private that in the absence of a more active ECB, the government could be forced to ask for aid from the bailout fund.
Mr. Rajoy's government Friday also approved the outline of draft budget plans for 2013 and 2014 that it must submit to the European Union under new fiscal monitoring procedures. They contain more than €89 billion in spending cuts and tax increases to help the government meet its target of a budget deficit equal to 2.8% of gross domestic product in 2014, down from 8.9% in 2011.
Rajoy Will Consider Bond Buying Request to Protect Spain, By Angeline Benoit and Emma Ross-Thomas - Aug 3, 2012 11:17 AM MT, Bloomberg News,

Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said he would consider asking Europe’s bailout funds to buy Spanish debt if it were for the best for the country, as he called for a crisis meeting of the region’s finance chiefs.

“I will do what I always do, act in the best interest of Spaniards,” Rajoy said at a news conference in Madrid today, when asked whether he would consider making a request. He needs to see more details on what the European Central Bank is planning in terms of bond buying and non-conventional measures before taking any decision on seeking support, he said
Still, Rajoy, who declined to say whether he would apply for help at a joint press briefing with Italian Prime Mario Monti yesterday, said he needs more details before deciding whether to trigger support. The European Financial Stability Facility can buy bonds on the market if nations ask for it, and the European Stability Mechanism, the permanent successor aid fund that is awaiting final approval, will also be able to.
The Cabinet also approved a budget plan through 2014 to be submitted to the European Commission. The document details 102.1 billion euros of spending cuts and tax increases to reduce the nation’s budget gap, the third-largest in the euro zone, to 2.8 percent of GDP by 2014 from 8.9 percent last year.
Spanien will mehr als 100 Milliarden Euro einsparen, 03.08.2012, 18:54 Uhr, aktualisiert heute, 19:39 Uhr, Handelsblatt,

Das EU-Sorgenkind Spanien erhöht die Sparanstrengungen. Bis 2014 sollen knapp 40 Milliarden Euro mehr eingespart werden. Trotz aller Bescheidenheit: Ein Hilfegesuch an die EU will Madrid nicht ausschließen.
Die EU-Kommission hatte von Madrid die Vorlage der Haushaltspläne für 2013 und 2014 verlangt und Spanien im Gegenzug beim Abbau des Budgetdefizits ein Jahr mehr Zeit gegeben.

Die in Brüssel vorgelegten Pläne gehen davon aus, dass Spaniens Wirtschaft 2013 um 0,5 Prozent schrumpft und 2014 ein Wachstum von 1,2 Prozent erzielt. Madrid will die Neuverschuldung von 8,9 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts im Jahr 2011 bis 2014 auf 2,8 Prozent senken.
Rajoy asegura que no tiene tomada 'ninguna decisión' sobre el rescate, 3/8/2012, El Mundo,

Devuelve la pelota a Bruselas y exige conocer, antes de solicitarlo, las medidas "no convencionales" anunciadas el jueves por Draghi.