Quote Originally Posted by Firn View Post
I do own EON stock, bought this year, and I just read of the mighty fall of it today. Over -10% is nothing too usual for a days work. I will have to give it a closer read to draw my conclusions. So far I tend to buy as I don't think that much has changed since I have done my in-depth analysis. Thanks for the link.
"Eon, Germany’s biggest utility by sales, is reviewing its earnings forecasts for 2013 after warning that gas-fired power stations have become “barely profitable to operate” because of weak economic conditions and a surge in renewable energy. "

The interesting question for me still is, why does EON and the other three of the "Mighty Four" (G4) do not have a larger share of renewable energy (=profit); amost 30% of the electricity net production comes from reneables, the G4 have only a share <7%. Could it be that EON is a nice example of faulty strategy, of a organisation that was used to a simple business model and then became lazy?