Fuchs, Slapout,

As I have been wandering around the world over the course of the last decade I have been thinking about, watching, and participating in number of development activities. At this point I don't claim to have any answers, but I have some observations that might be of interest.

Walt Whitman Rostow, came up with an economic growth model called the Rostovian Take-Off Model. As with any model, it incompletely describes reality...'all models are wrong but some are useful'...but the take away I get is that human societies move from nomadic, to agricultural, to industrial, and eventually to service based ways of livelihoods (all of which favor different types of political systems). Reality is not continually static, and there are always multiple layers and multiple regressions, pauses, and advancements occurring simultaneously.

A quick google search on ecology resulted in the following link...ecological systems theory...new to me, but interesting

What do you guys 'see' out there as we try and describe the elephant?