Greetings to everyone here at SWC I've been fairly busy recently and haven't had much time to contribute.

This is question that I've had on my mind for sometime now after reading a number of articles on here and in FP as well as in a number of other sources. even though it may sound far-fetched and to many impossible, but given everything that has been happening on the continent is the future of European security stability in jeopardy? Especially since talk of a collapse of the EU and questions over the continued relevancy of NATO are increasingly being regarded as no longer impossible. To add on this topic Europe has fought two very bloody and geopolitically altering wars over the past 95+ plus years

Additionally, the financial and economic situation across Europe as a whole seems to be getting worse by the day. And the places where it appears particularly bad in countries that don't have a long tradition of being Democratic or having weak institutions or are thoroughly corrupt in many areas of society i.e. Greece or Italy.

For many the crisis appears to have no end in sight, and appears to be spreading not only are countries like Greece facing the possibility of default. But there has also been question's over Italy, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, and even France. The latter of which all could be impossible to bail out.

Likewise, the economic crisis in Europe has also exposed the limit's of European unity and cooperation ex. you have conservative politicians in Northern European nations like Germany and the Netherlands railing against " the lazy people of Southern Europe, saying that the German, French, or Dutch taxpayer is footing the the bill for Southern excesses and corruption". While Southern European and Mediterranean politicians and attitudes are bringing up such unwelcome memories like the German occupation of Greece during WWII and other things dealing with the fmr. the Nazi regime as if Germany owes these countries something for past treatment.

Also right-wing parties across the continent from Britain to Greece have seen their fortunes do pretty well in recent years. For instance, the FN in France is polling somewhere between 2nd and 3rd place under a new leader, Geert Wilders party has experienced a string of electoral successes and is still polling quite well, in Italy an anti-immigrant party and a Neo-Fascist sit in Silvio's Coalition government, and in Austria it looks like the Freedom party stands a chance of possibly forming a government in the next election. The success of these parties has been in large part due to wide ranging concerns in European societies, especially over the integration of immigrants mainly from the Middle East and Africa, further European integration, and the current financial crisis.

Furthermore, many have observed that the European social fabric is gradually buckling under the weight of the financial crisis. As there have been riots and other notable violent disturbances in a number of European cities ranging from Paris to Rome and most recently all over the UK and Athens this past summer. I was in London this past summer and the general impression I got from what happened was that the events there could have easily happened in any other European country say France, Spain, or Italy.

European governments seem to be splitting apart from each other on other issues also. For instance, France was strongly supportive of the intervention in Libya last Spring while Germany was the opposite and even abstained from it in a UN vote.

These are all just a few examples of why geopolitical stability n Europe is being question. However, what would things look like if the EU and NATO collapsed due to these pressures? Friedman's Stratfor said in a series of articles on this subject that things would go back the way things were a century ago in a way, with a large number of smaller European countries and three main Continental powers i.e. France, Germany, and Russia.

Even though this hasn't been discussed in much more detail other then the sources I mentioned, is the future of European security stability in jeopardy? Is the world going to have to worry about an unstable Europe again?

If there are any opinions I'd like to hear them.