I'll echo Tom's comments... Weak, but interesting.

Abel spends an inordinate amount of text criticizing the USA and China as warmongers merely in search of African minerals without once touching on the lack of African involvement in local catastrophes in the last 4 decades.

Abel opines on Africa's unconventional traditions and our inability to comprehend and flow with Africa. Hmmm, all that intellect but yet managed to not once provide more than a way out of fixing the sierra his ancestors created. Better to slam the US Military than provide sound advice other than "more food for the starving".

Jeez, get a life dude

EUCOM in her days did a fair job of managing a myriad of programs with a stretched team. Although AFRICOM's current hierarchy has me puzzled, to be fair, AFRICOM is but in its infancy and the programs are both need-based and financially real.

African solidarity translates into simple words that more often than not, require tons of donor cash with no responsibility for Africa's inactions.

Same Old Song and Dance