The most obvious job opportunites for a marine force should be
*forced river crossings
* riverine warfare
* swamp warfare
(= everything with more water than landmen would prefer)
In addition to this, it could promise its reserves as defensive forces for coasts/islands. Think Guam, Hawaii, Aleutes.

The USMC could integrate into the army's operational schemes as specialists for this job, comparable to a U.S.Army branch (but still under navy command, apparently).
Trying to field divisions that fight alongside army divisions as done during ODS was a primitive idea all along.

The extreme readiness of MEUs patrolling distant open seas is extremely wasteful in my opinion. It should not coin the MC so much. This forward deployment scheme of the navy is extremely wasteful in general. The U.S: could do away with half of its carriers if it hadn't this extremely resource-intensive rotation.