Quote Originally Posted by jcustis View Post
The management has most likely looked at the issue, several times over from the moment that we started to spread out in the Helmand River Valley. They probably concluded that:

1. Afghanistan is a sovereign state, and Karzai does not want population control measures to be employed in that fashion.

2. Doing so would add to sentiment and unrest against the coalition, fomenting more resistance insurgency, at a time when getting a handle on the ideological insurgency is hard enough.
What he said.

RHaston, what you've proposed is a very practical solution to a tactical problem. It's no secret that most of the resistance is centered around the "greenzones". It's also no secret that most of the population lives there.

As BW pointed out above, tactical solutions aren't necessarily going to help with political problems. In fact, something like you've proposed may likely exacerbate the issue. I have seen first hand the results of damage to a single canal, and it ends up a bit like this:

Destroy those and there are going to be a whole lot of pissed off people weighing in with their "angry brothers."