Once again explain your realistic approach? Share more good news with the Iraqis? Our military has been infiltrated by extremely liberal political correct princes who have the gull to call themselves practical and realistic. Building schools is not good news, when you can't put your kids on a school bus because they're not safe. We failed to defeat the insurgents, stood up an Iraqi government much too quickly (should have a ver stringent martial law in place), and made numerous other mistakes. The quality of life in Iraq has been decreasing month by month, and guess what what guys? That bad news that you think the media is making up, is actually happening on the ground. I guess if we found 75 bodies that were tortured in Dallas yesterday, we would acuse the media of bias reporting if that was the headline news? The media didn't lose this fight, we did. You can build all the schools you like, but until you can provide security (the real issue, thus the real news) you haven't completed squate except wasting tax dollars on some politically correct version of counterinsurgency. This is the Iraqis' fight now, we just have to find a way to transition it to them that is more responsible than the way we got to this point. As for the MiTTs, again I hear political correct leanings, when I see postings that the NG is as good as our active component. When it comes to nation building skills our NG and RC may bring more relevant skills and life experiences, but when it comes to standing up an Army, they can't compare with a soldier who has been doing full time for several years. The Iraqis in many units have lost respect for their MiTTs, because they know more they do. Yes, the pre-mission training was a failure and a "part" of the problem, but if the MiTT is our primary effort to get out of Iraq, then we should send our best people, and of course they'll be kicking and screaming, so be it, too bad, too sad.