in both Trapdoor Springfield ("low test" loads) and Marlin ("medium-high test" loads). The thought of firing a derringer in the latter loads, esp. at the higher end of their spectrum, shakes my gums to what used to be my teethlines.

The next step up would be a .458 WM or the like revolver - but, maybe someone has already thought of that. My main reason for having the large calibers (44mag and 45acp) about is that I'm used to the two weapons.

Less can be more (which is why my .22 target pistol and .22 "trapping" revolver are still hanging around - probably better choices at my age).

A "few years ago" (don't have a source), a kid on one of the South American national pistol teams was coming back from a match; and was stopped by an insurgent roadblock. One thing rapidly led to another and he controlled the situation with one of his match pistols (prob. a .22 or .32 short w/ "low test" loads) - all head shots as I recall the story. Maybe someone here has a source on that one - a cool story.

