Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
Surely someone in DC realizes It needs a major reset...
A consistent thread in fact.

Just between us enlistees, general "A" says to general "B" "Do want a pretty Army or a killer army?", response is something on the order of "That's above my pay-grade".

There seems to be a snake coiling around an idea that I can't quite put my hand on and not sure I want to try.

It' is like, in the 1970s post Vietnam draw down things really sucked and general discipline and behavior deteriorated. In the 1990s post Desert Storm draw down discipline and behavior deteriorated. Therefore, we need to cut that off at the knees fast.

Literally this is what I hear over coffee. NOT policy statements. It isn't my area of expertise so I can't say what it means or how relevant it is. It is just interesting to me that discipline and behavior concerns seem so far above other concerns (but far below budget battles to be sure). This is NOT the primary thing or even likely in the top 20 of what keeps leadership awake. From what I can see.