This is the second half of the interview I did with Jerry Burke who was an adviser to the Iraqi police and Interior Ministry. This part is even better than the first. He talks about his second tour which coincided with the Supreme Council taking over the Interior Ministry. It put its Badr Brigade militia into the Special Police/Commando units, that then began running death squads and torture rooms. Everyone always talks about the Mahdi Army and the security forces, but it was really the Supreme Council that got in first and starting killing Sunnis before the Sadrists did. The U.S. leadership knew about this, but did nothing, saying it was an Iraqi problem. He also talks about whether the U.S. is good at nation building. His belief, the civilian agencies in the American government lack the manpower and knowledge to do it, and only the military has the numbers, but not the skills. I also posted a 2006 TV show about the death squads run out of the Iraqi police that includes an interview with Burke. Enjoy

2nd half of interview

video link