Quote Originally Posted by slapout9 View Post
Here is a 2009 Real News Network interview of former CIA and State Department Intel officers on how a War with Iran might begin. Remember this is from 2009.

Slap that is a great question...a better question is: How could we (the US) win a war with Iran?
but back to your question...obiviously if they do anything stupid towards Israel. Israel will immediately retailate and we are off and running. Another concern is the missle base that Iran is building on the north cost of Venezuela. Based on what you are seeing in the news, Iran is working on: 1. nuc weapons; 2. increasing missile range and 3. closing the straights. The question becomes if Iran has these increased strategic capabilities what is the leverage they want to use against the US and how much will we tolerate? and then where do both Israel and the US's strategic interests line up. This is where time will moves us closer to war.