Confirming my long held opinion of his twittishness (and military ignorance) he states:
The drawbacks of the all-volunteer force are not military, but political and ethical.
His proposed solution that political and ethical failure is to punish as many people -- himself not included -- as possible by reintroducing conscription.

While that's a typical US solution to a problem -- ignore the cause, attack the symptom, punish the innocent -- he's supposed to be one of the smart guys...

He continues:
One percent of the nation has carried almost all the burden of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, while the rest of us essentially went shopping. When the wars turned sour, we could turn our backs.
What would he have the rest of the nation do; sit at home and mope? People have choices, if they make poor choices, that becomes their problem and the 'fix' needs to address the target, the politicians and their lack of ethics, not the bystanders.

Contrary to this summation:
A draft would be good for our nation and ultimately for our military.
It would do nothing worthwhile for the nation, would not affect the attitude, politics or ethics of most American in the slightest degree and would in the long term be detrimental to the armed forces. Misuse of personnel is bad enough now; give the system a large influx of manpower and the waste would be incalculable. Our overall quality of training is bad enough now, catering for the 'fairness' and inclusiveness' that Congress would insist upon would only result in greater degradation...