Sorry terbay but your question is confusing to me because of your use of different terms… I think you are thinking tactically vs strategically. I included the JCS Pub 1 definitions only to illustrate.

Counterterrorism - (DOD) Actions taken directly against terrorist networks and indirectly to influence and render global and regional environments inhospitable to terrorist networks. Also called CT. See also antiterrorism; combating terrorism; terrorism.
Source: JP 3-26
Antiterrorism - (DOD) Defensive measures used to reduce the vulnerability of individuals and property to terrorist acts, to include rapid containment by local military and civilian forces. Also called AT. See also counterterrorism; terrorism.
Source: JP 3-07.2
unconventional warfare – (DOD) Activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary, and guerrilla force in a denied area. Also called UW.
Source: JP 3-05
counterinsurgency - (DOD) Comprehensive civilian and military efforts taken to defeat an insurgency and to address any core grievances. Also called COIN.
Source: JP 3-24
conventional forces - (DOD) 1. Those forces capable of conducting operations using nonnuclear weapons. Source: JP 3-05
(DOD) 2. Those forces other than designated special operations forces. Also called CF.
Source: JP 3-05

Do you want SOF rooting out terrorist networks? ...sure, but should SOF direct action be the focus of effort for counter terrorism or should it be in support of intelligence operations?
Do you want SOF operating against terrorist networks in a counter insurgency? Absolutely…but I do not think there is enough of them to make a difference using direct action…I think they can buy time tactically but not victory strategically.
Are intell officers and enlisted conventional forces? Yep! Do you need them in both counter terrorism and counter insurgency?...Oh Ya!
Do their skills deteriorate in a counter insurgence?…No, they should not and they should get better.
The should “conventional forces” of straight leg infantry train for counter insurgency?...I my opinion …absolutely because it will enhance all those small unit leadership skills you need on the battlefield.
Is Hezbollah an example we will see in the future? Oh Ya!...Why? because, to date, it is successful and neither Israel or anyone else worked out a counter…and I do not think Israel’s forces had a hard time in 2006 because they focused on counterinsurgency for a long time. I think they neglected their training especially infantry tactics.