To be honest I'm not in the business of laying out baits, as I gain nothing from having you on my hook.

I think in short I wanted to say that in any country, including the US people are getting treated in different ways for a couple of reasons despite the enshrined 'equal' treament. Nobody is much holier then the other in this regard and trying to get more equal is a good thing. There are however some obvious and distinct exceptions to the general rule and among those people are diplomats and their staff to a good degree.

There are certainly no 'better' humans then you or me but their are special due to the special powers bestowed upon them by their country and international conventions. It is just pragmatic for pretty much every country to treat them with care and courtesy, no *** required and in doubt the State department should stick to a fitting interpretation of their status.

All in all I have said my bit and with that I will step out of the discussion.

Merry Christmas and holidays for those who get them.