Quote Originally Posted by Around Midnight View Post
Thanks Marc for your thoughts. I would indeed look forward to a round of drinks to sort this out! You can buy the first round, if I can buy the second one?
You're on . I have a feeling if the lot of us actually got together in contiguos reality, many, MANY beers would be discarnated.

Quote Originally Posted by Around Midnight View Post
I actually do agree with your idea regarding the need for “trans-national will,” but I think that also requires excellence in domestic and political national leadership, at least in US contexts. Leadership decision making is well and good, but unless there is a intentional and effective mobilization of a supportive US constituency, how can any American decision or plan for intense and/or sustained combat succeed?
Two good points, here. I certainly agree with you about "excellence" in national politics. Unfortunately, that is lacking in many states <wry grin>. The idea you metioned later on of a national party during wartime probbaly would have worked after 9/11 in the US, but I honestly can't see it working right now (I'm trying not to fall off my chair laughing at the images my brain is tossing up ).

The second point is also interesting - the assumption of Americam leadership. I will certainly grant you that that is the current reality, but does it have to be? Or, more to the point, would it be better to turn leadership in some of this war over to other nations? I know it can't work in Iraq, but I am thinking more of any future conflicts.

Quote Originally Posted by Around Midnight View Post
This concept of the commitment of the nation’s military being a co-commitment of the people is not a theoretical construct, but rather a harsh political reality.
Personally, I would say it was both . I'm thinking of the way our wishy-washy Liberal party handled the Afhganistan conflict and the spontaneous "Red Friday" demonstrations in support of our troops (no, not communist - red is our national colour). "THeoretical" doesn't necessarily mean "a bunch of silly academics sitting in an ivory tower pontificating" (okay, it can mean that). It's actual meaning, before it was highjacked, is something like "a map of a part of reality; a model".

Still and all, this is a conversation that would definately go better with beer
