...and here's what's the probable reason for this 'new' problem, i.e. 'shall we or shall we not cooperate with Assad' and this intensive search for all possible excuses not to support Syrian insurgency....

Just few days ago, Col Pesach Malovany (IDF, ret.), has published his newest book, titled (as far as the Google Translate says) 'North Shall Evil. Malovany, who served as expert for Arab militaries with the IDF, became famous for his book 'The Wars of Modern Babylon' (like his new title, this is available in Hebrew only), which is a massive volume about the history of Iraqi armed forces. Correspondingly, his new book is covering the history of Syrian armed forces.

...and, between others, on the back-cover of that book, one can read the following:

Upon Israel, the Syrian army filled two dominant while conflicting roles; up until the Yom - Kippur War, the Syrian Army was a key participant and supporter of the hostilities toward Israel, while after the Yom - Kippur War, the Syrian Army was responsible of making the Israeli-Syrian border and Golan Hights one of the most peaceful areas in Israel and the Middle-East.
And that's the essence of the newest 'thinking' we can hear from the DC in regards of Syria: 'if we support Assad, then his army is going to take care for Syria to remain peaceful.'

...as peaceful as graveyard.