BTW, some more 'food for thoughts' for Bill...

Lets not forget the U.S. has more people in prison than any other nation...
This is not the least a 'good example' for the topic on hand. Namely, the US has its own reasons for problems of this kind.

A 'stupid' example, if you like: narcotics...Primarily enjoyed almost exclusively by privileged classes and Chinese immigrants at earlier times, until somebody in (I think it was) California came to 'the idea' of declaring them illegal because he had something against cheap labour offered by Chinese immigrants... and meanwhile, with many of prisons being run by private, commercial persons/companies: well, running a prison in the US is a highly profitable business. Thus, there is 'special' interest in keeping these prisons full...

The problems are significantly worse in Iraq and Syria. Pluralistic governance seems like a great idea, but I still question its feasibility as a solution in many countries.
Pluralism functions everywhere, Bill - and that without a single exception.

(There are meanwhile even al-Qaida theologists preaching pluralism and democracy.)

The only difference are 'disturbing factors': in the USA it's the 'lobbying', somewhere else meddling of foreign powers because of 'special commerc...erm, national interests' (oil), quasi-religion etc., etc., etc., etc.