When one combines bad laws that create vast illegal markets with bad policies that create significant populace groups that feel there is little opportunity within the legal avenues enjoyed by others, it creates a breeding ground for gangs and organized crime.

The instinct of government is to "enforce the rule of law" - which may mitigate the symptoms a bit, may change the actors as many are shunted off into a growing network of prisons, but often serves equally to make this illegal competition even more violent and more disruptive to society.

Instead we need to take a hard look at the laws that create these illegal markets and ask if there are smarter, more effective ways to achieve the effects those laws were intended (but failed) to attain? Look at the populace groups that these organized groups are created within and honestly assess how do these populations feel and how can governance evolve to better include them into legal society.

Harder and faster and pouring in more money and people to enforce the rule of law is simplistic. We need to find simple. But simple requires deeper understanding and a willingness to honestly assess and accept one's own contribution to the problem one seeks to solve.