Gentleman, this is the piece I've just finished putting together. Still got a bit of editing and work to do, but it's 11pm and I've got the flu

My sources are in brackets.

I'm actually quite uncomfortable about how this turned out. I originally had a very rough and ready document which amounted to about 4,000 words, but I'm required to cut it down to 1,500 for this piece. I'm not sure I did the right thing in cutting out a lot of my case study (Chechnya) and some side points, because what I'm left with is pretty much just a re-hash of Ganor and Hughes' work, and that bothers me.

Also, Fuchs, I included your little factoid, because I really liked it.

As I said when I started this thread, I initially thought the difference between terrorism and freedom fighting was simply tactic vs strategy. This piece reflects that, but it's now being called means vs ends.

I also decided that the whole terrorism vs freedom fighting thing was bollocks, and that they were apples and oranges. It should realistically be Terrorism vs Guerilla Warfare, both of which can take place under the wider umbrella of national liberation.

Feel free to tear me to shreds (Or at least give it a try)

- Mac

(It's posted below, there is a character limit per post in this forum)