I think one of the main reasons why they are so intent on monitoring the packages is too make sure that they are not getting ripped by the mules or the people moving the product. There is so little interdiction of the products overall that I don't think they as concerned with that as they are of being ripped off by elements of their own organizations or the entities that they "contract" with to get the products moved. The L.E. siezures can be written off as the price of doing business but having potential rivals arising from within their own groups is a far greater threat.

In this day and age I don't think there are many single entities who are capable of handling the overall point to point distribution of any illicit products such as the former Medellin cartel did with Coke. It creates too much of a signature that attracts attention. This is pure conjecture on my part since I work in L.E. at a local level.