Guys, funny you should mention that. It did not involve that site but I just had a friend go through that. He was assigned to a DEA task force and made one the largest bust made in our area. His police ID picture was put on a web sight,his home address,digital photos of what he looked like undercover,probably done with a cell phone. Final result nothing really one records clerk was fired and it ended up in federal court, the drug case is still pending. The suspect is a multi-millionaire and thats the name of that tune.

Me personally I have had a couple of articles that were written about me and some police academy's in the mid west teach my case in how to survive an ambush by a psycho stalker type. He impersonated an Alabama State trooper to get info on me and he got it! He had a large insurance policy taken out on me, yep that's right you really can do that (it was never issued). But things did not work out as he planned.

He planned to kill me and my wife and then start shooting police officers as they responded, but as I said didn't work out that way. My stalking case was known to multiple LE agencies for 6 months before the attack but, the laws were different then so other than some warnings, you just have to develop so good TTP's on fly and fight like hell when that day comes. It isn't really funny (yeah it is) but people used to come up to me and say I thought you were dead? Nope still here anyway be careful and have a happy new year.