As a simple example of computer mediated conflict and terrorism having unlikely avenues of attack, or asymmetric methods to attack, advances in one technology can provide unexpected consequences in other ways. The quoted story (more at the link) gives an example how in providing service to passengers the flight control and safety systems were put in jeopardy. This is an error in architecture and likely was never considered at any point to be an issue until an outsider perceived the issue.

Unfortunately as technology is adapted and integrated into civilian society and military weapons and communications systems these unexpected consequences can be exploited. It's an interesting article and it appears they will be fixing the network architecture issues in this case. For the military professional or interested civilian look around your environment sometime and consider all of the interconnected technologies with an eye to how they could be used in unexpected ways.

Quote Originally Posted by Wired Magazine (online)
Boeing's new 787 Dreamliner passenger jet may have a serious security vulnerability in its onboard computer networks that could allow passengers to access the plane's control systems, according to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration.

The computer network in the Dreamliner's passenger compartment, designed to give passengers in-flight internet access, is connected to the plane's control, navigation and communication systems, an FAA report reveals.

The revelation is causing concern in security circles because the physical connection of the networks makes the plane's control systems vulnerable to hackers. A more secure design would physically separate the two computer networks. Boeing said it's aware of the issue and has designed a solution it will test shortly.

"This is serious," said Mark Loveless, a network security analyst with Autonomic Networks, a company in stealth mode, who presented a conference talk last year on Hacking the Friendly Skies (PowerPoint). "This isn’t a desktop computer. It's controlling the systems that are keeping people from plunging to their deaths. So I hope they are really thinking about how to get this right."

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