Hey all. I've come a long way from my first post back in 2007ish. I've finished up the application process to the Air Force for a pilot slot on the upcoming rated boards. I just want to be selected for anything as an officer.

Anyways... I'm finishing up my history degree, and I finally am able to write about something other than the revolutionary war for my thesis paper. I've been wanting to do a lot more research on counterinsurgencies but haven't had an excuse too until now. I wanted to do something on the use of air power in counterinsurgencies due to (hopefully) being selected by the boards, and the first use that I came across was in Nicaragua against Sandino by the Marines. I have about 10 secondary sources on it, a few magazine articles and news paper accounts, but scant else.

Any suggestions on primary sources, or where to find any reports from those battles? First hand accounts? Possibly any review of the efficiency by the war department? Or any other suggestions?

I'm hoping to use this down the road when I go back for a masters as a launching pad for something better, maybe even a book that is really only read by people like those on this site/