If you can find one (ask Tom) the Pet Rock Manual is hilarious.

Anything by John D. MacDonald especially his Travis McGee series. Every book has a color in the title: The Deep Blue Good by, The Quick Red Fox, Bright Orange for the Stroud, A Purple Place for Dying. I started reading these in the Army in the early 70's. They were 75 cents at the main post PX at Bragg, off post 95 cents. Last I checked $6.95 paperback. MaGee is a salvage expert that lives on a houseboat in Fla. called the "Busted Flush." He won it in a poker game. When I say salvage expert I mean if you loose something of value and can not get it back legally, he will recover it for half the value. MacDonald wrote many books the most recent that became a movie is "Cape Fear" with Robert Deinro(cain't spell). Based on true story. As for McGee start with "The Green Ripper" it is about oil,terrorism from a 70's perspective. Before his death he finally admitted he was ex-OSS and then some?

Anything by Joseph Wambaugh if you want to know what it is really like to be a Cop. "the Blue Knight" is about a real beat cop. Some good TTP's in there.

3rd vote for Zen and Motorcycle maintenance, Also Bridges of Toko-Ri. Love this thread, some good stuff here.