Jonslack, the Marine Corps already gets that with its Basic School (6 months) period of instruction for all newly minted 2ndLts before they go to their MOS school. The thrust of it is to get them basically trained to operate at the level of a rifle platoon commander. I've always wondered why the Army didn't have a similar system.
Well, I figure for the CS and CSS 2LTs it is because the system needs to crank them out ASAP because they have got CPTs slots to fill. For the Combat Arms 2LTs, for those that don't get put on staff for the duration of their LT years, I think the assumption is they'll earn it through OJT. Or perhaps the reason is because there is some question of which part of the institutional army should be responsible for it, TRADOC or Accessions/Cadet Command.

Who knows, it is echleons above me.