We're up and running on the SWJ Blog. Many thanks to Dave Kilcullen for kicking us off on the blog in style.

We have a great crew of contributors who have indicated their intent to blog with us. Our plan is for a consortium of high caliber folks who will blog as they are able, and as the mood strikes. So there should be a decent flow of good stuff, even though most individuals won't be posting maniacally. All of them are hugely busy, as they are out practicing and advancing the profession, not just spouting or engaged as talking heads. We very much look forward to their participation as the community continues to develop here at SWJ.

The blog requires a TypeKey registration to comment, and we've updated our privacy policy with info on that. Or just try to comment, and you'll be led to the registration.

For our SWC members -- unfortunately, it was beyond our immediate technical scope to integrate the Small Wars Council username with the blogging stuff. But TypeKey is first rate, and should be useful to you throughout the blogosphere. It should be an easy double tap.