As an outsider who's not driven by partisan views I tell you that you are projecting.

The Haves and have-nots thing here mirrors the 47% discussion from the last presidential election and you guys demonstrate that it's now a if not THE framework for your thinking.

I cannot spot any confirmation for your suspicions from my informed outsider perspective.

Instead, the high profile Democratic policies look to me basically like the policies of a party that thinks the government is meant to work for the people, while Republican policies look to me a lot like they think the U.S. is a military with a government for Pentagon financing and enforcement of morals.

Whatever you seemed to imply here in regard to haves and have-nots and stuff can easily fit into the framework I just gave you. That may be projection on my part, but it should still show your view isn't the only possible one.

P.S.: Whoever says Obama is a Marxist only displays that he's either not serious or is clueless about Marxism, period.