Read three books last week:

The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil - truly eye opening, disconcerting vision of the future. Premise is that by 2045 we will essentially merge with machines to a transcendent future. Sounds far out, but the case is very logical. Was a TX Hammes recommendation. Also check out the website, a movie version (along the lines of An Inconvenient Truth) is coming out this year. It is a 1000 page book, but you can get the meat of the case in chapter 1, the rest is justification/backup for the provocative thesis. Or wait for the movie.

The Principles of War in the Information Age by Bob Leonhard. A good, thought provoking read arguing the traditional principles are obsolete.

Centurion by Simon Scarrow. A light fiction about a Roman legion fighting the Parthians.