First to Fight by Bob Breen.

Vietnam '65 - '66.
About the 173rd Airborne Brigade with 1 RAR (infantry battalion) and a Kiwi gun battery attached.
Breen describes quite nicely the very different operating methods between the US and the ANZACs.
In his words:

The paratroopers were saying to the Viet Cong, ‘You know where we are, and when and where we will strike, take us on and pay the price.’

The Diggers said to the Viet Cong, ‘You will never know where we are but we will find you and kill you.’
The Americans were hell bent on massive company and battalion size engagements and willing to pay a price for a high body count, while the Diggers preferred to spread out into large company operating area’s to kick out platoon size patrols. They where less willing to pay in blood for a body count.
Neither philosophy was ‘perfect’ but:

Given the missions of the day, the ‘bottom line’ was that the Paratroopers were killing Viet Cong and the Diggers were not.
The diggers seemed to shine in their ability to deny the enemy of initiative through well planned patrols over large areas. Once that strength was realised and appreciated they were wisely used in that way while the US battalions were used to do what they do best, kick arse with lots of noise.

Here’s a taste.