Hi Folks,

Quote Originally Posted by Tc2642 View Post
Interesting, What would you include your theses, if you had the chance to write such a document?
Tc2642, think part of the answer to that question is in Stan's comment.

Quote Originally Posted by Stan Reber View Post
My Psychology professor on our first day circa 1982: "According to Maslow, an individual is ready to act upon the growth needs if and only if the deficiency needs are met. The biggest human tragedy is that most people simply do what they are told."

He continued: "This form of reduced maturity is dangerous when coupled with authoritarianism and dominance, as we have learned from Saddam, Hitler, and others."

Marc, does Maslow have a point in this thread ?
Stan, I think the answer is "yes". Tc2642 asked me what I would include in such theses, and I think Maslow's ideas contain some of the answers. So, let me take a whack at 5 thesis statements.
  1. Giants exist so that people can see farther, not to crush inquiring minds.
  2. All knowledge is inherently limited and, in that sense, "false". As such, the goal of any science is not the production of "perfection" but the continual struggle to achieve it.
  3. "Proofs" that can be communicated exist only in limited components of described part of transcendental reality and should never be mistaken for transcendental "Truth".
  4. Information is a difference that makes a difference (Definition by Gregory Bateson).
  5. How we communicate defines both what we are capable of communicating and the limits of information that can be transmitted and received.
I think I'll leave it at that for now - I have to finish editing a case study for an HRM text book .
