I think we are presented with the analog of the following scene found in the 1983 movie Trading Places (Eddie Murphy as Billy Ray Valentine; Dan Akroyd as Louis Wintorpe III)

Quote Originally Posted by Trading Places
Billy Ray Valentine: [watches Louis clean his shotgun] You know, you can't just go around and shoot people in the kneecaps with a double-barreled shotgun 'cause you pissed at 'em.

Louis Winthorpe III: Why not?

Billy Ray Valentine: 'Cause it's called assault with a deadly weapon, you get 20 years for that ####.

Louis Winthorpe III: Listen, do you have any better ideas?

Billy Ray Valentine: Yeah. You know, it occurs to me that the best way you hurt rich people is by turning them into poor people.
The administration seems to want to take the Winthorpe approach when the Coleman approach might be more likely to have some real impact.