Hat tip to Clint Watts at FPRI alerting us to this public message to his followers and others. Know your enemy alone justifies posting, although the style is - well - different.

It ends with:
We call upon the heads of all groups and organizations that work under Qaidatul Jihad Organization (Al Qaida) and all our supporters and sympathizers to spread these guidelines amongst their followers, whether in positions of responsibility or ordinary individuals; for this document contains no hidden secrets, rather it is a general policy guideline. Its purpose is only to secure the interests established by the Shariah and avert harm in this stage of the Islamic Jihadi work by interpretive judgment (Ijtihad) that does not oppose the rulings of the Shariah and conforms to its principles.
Clint's commentary:http://fpri.org/geopoliticus/2013/10...stop-bickering

Link to the guidelines:http://worldanalysis.net/modules/new...p?storyid=2224

The link is comes from a Canadian body, who have used the circulation by a known AQ media outlet As-Sahab Media. Worldanalysis.net state their mission is:
to providea single nonpartisan open-source information resource for geopolitical events worldwide
There are a number of threads in this arena on similar themes and several elsewhere on AQ lessons learnt.