Quote Originally Posted by Dayuhan View Post
What steps do you think need to be taken, and by whom?

Hard to see how any foreign power has the standing to be involved... are there local entities with the capacity to really take charge of things without being perceived as working purely toward their own ends?
An important first step is a "national conference". Nigeria can live with Boko Haram if it is contained to the North east, but these other conflicts are intensely political & more of a threat to our future.

National conference:

Finally, it is instructive to note that Ethiopia in 1991 conducted a national conference and came out with a far reaching people’s constitution in 1994 with a clause that creates a two-tiered federal structure, which, at least in principle, emphasised ethnic groups’ rights and the right to self-determination which are necessary ingredient for a stable democracy and on the other hand, Nigeria should not also be in a hurry forget the case of the former Yugoslavia in Europe with similar historical trajectories like us disintegrated in 1992–1999 respectively.