The next two Vice film clips are now available. The second is not great and in places one did wonder what the Nigerian Army was doing (from my amateur armchair):

The third clip shows the Nigerian Army on the offensive, to retake a town Bama maybe fourteen miles beyond Magiduri. Some softening up by 155mm artillery, the use of a small armoured team (T62 & BMP) and helicopter support, including Mi8 HInd gunships. Bizarrely the reporter refers to reports of Chadian help and foriegn advisers, then says it is an all-Nigerian victory:

There is a very short clip (starts at 10:46) which suggests the advisers were far more important, as they had wheeled APCs - which the Nigerian Army unit did not have and if you stop the film at 11:01 you see a parade with at least eight white advisers and two or three at the front conducting the parade.