I hate to say this but, the effectiveness of UN PK forces has been very suspect for a long time. I hate to say this becuase it is often seen as a slam against non-western militaries ability and professionalism. It is also seen as elitist. That said here goes, the idea of a stand alone UN military force is written into the UN Charter, the capacity fielding this force exists yet it is not politically viable. Too many questions on command and control, loyalty etc.

Stand by for controversy:

What the UN should do is higher Blackwater or another firm, combination of firms, to provide professional uniformed military forces. The quality would go up, the quantity could be a problem but that is a $ thing. But the money is there note--The amount of money spent to higher say Bangladeshi troops is huge, and then you have to pay extra to arm and equip them. By resorting to PMC's the UN could build effective first rate forces, that are governed by the UN (new international SOFA style and UCMJ style rules would have to be created) commanded by the UN and sanctioned by the UN. Note Blackwater ahs stated they could outfit a battalion fairly easily. This could at least provide a professional QRF. The existance of a quality QRF could stiffen the resolve of the other forces.