
My name is Joel Wing and I run the blog Musings On Iraq. I've posted some of my work on the Iraqi thread on the board. I'm looking for people who served in Anbar Iraq that might be interested in doing interviews for my blog. I'm specifically looking for people who fought in either of the two battles for Fallujah or were involved with the tribes there, can be the Awakening or before such as the Anbar Revolutionaries, etc.

What I'm hoping to do is not only gain insight into the fighting and tribal engagement, but also compare that to what the Iraqi forces are dealing with now fighting for Anbar.

I can do interviews via email or Skype. My questions would not only be about some of the details of the fighting in Anbar and how the U.S. worked with the tribes, but hopefully get some details on the strategy used. If enough people are interested I would compile these interviews into one article on the battles for Fallujah and another on the tribes. If I only get a few responses I would make each interview an individual piece.

I've done 54 interview so far. That has included people in the government such as former Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Stuart Bowen and the State Dept's Keith Mines who was the CPA governor for Anbar, think tank analysts such as Jessica Lewis from the Institute for the Study of War and Douglas Ollivant from the New American Foundation, academics such as Georgetown's Prof Joseph Sassoon and Univ of London's Prof Michael Spagat, and noted Iraqi historian Phebe Marr, along with journalists like the New Yorker's Dexter Filkins and Reuters' Ned Parker. Here is a link to all of my interviews:


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If anyone is interested please email me at: motown67@aol.com. I'd like to be able to complete all of the interviews and publish them within a month, i.e. end of June.

Thank you for your time

Joel Wing
Musings On Iraq blog