Taken from a German article which is indicating that in the renewed IS fighting in Kobane the IS attacked physically from the Turkish side thus the Turks knew about it and yet did nothing.

Coupled with a comment two days ago by Erdogan that the "west is killing Muslim children" by the way a charge taken from al Baghdadi's recent 25 page text---would seriously indicate exactly who he is and or is not supporting---US has serious problems with him currently---and this on top of the statement from him indicating he would not accept TTIP unless it anchored Turkish viewpoints--otherwise he would leave NATO is a massive threat as he is not part of the E which TTIP is all about.

Someone needs to reign him in as he is actively supporting IS, does not want to join EU without 300% of what he wants from the EU being approved and he is threatening to leave NATO.

BUT he should pay attention to Putin--Gazprom just cut gas deliveries to Turkey by 40%.

Hinter vorgehaltener Hand schon vor Wochen, jetzt offiziell: #ISIS greift #Kobane nun auch aus #Trkei an...
http://ln.is/www.nzz.ch/internati/IIX56 #IS.