Quote Originally Posted by CrowBat View Post
In relation to supposed deployment of German special forces there....

I would not take such statements literally, or at least take them - but with a pinch of salt.

Germany agreed to deliver assault rifles, anti-rank 'rockets' (i.e. missiles or similar) and ammo to Iraqi Kurds, and to train them in the use of these - 'whether in situ or at a suitable place abroad'. That means: 'sure', German SF are there, but not with the purpose of getting involved in combat operations. They're there to train Kurds in use of German-supplied arms.

Namely, doing something like secretly deploying German SF into combat in Iraq, would be a political suicide for any German chancellor. And Angela is really not renowned for committing these 'all the times' (if at all, then quite on the contrary).
By the way the German SF were there long before any weapons shipping was approved and you do know how closely Us and German SF have been working together over the last years right--especially at the International SF Training Center here in Germany?