Earlier this week John Ware, one of the BBC's intrepid documentary makers had a BBC Panorama programme 'After Paris - The Battle for British Islam' and today an article, as per the title:http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/...m-9985531.html

A taster and even more relevant after Paris, even if teh UK is very different from France:
Although some recent surveys have found that Muslims identify more strongly with Britain and its democratic institutions than the general public, they may mask some uncomfortable truths. “We need to drill down into what that actually means,” says Dilwar Hussain. Might respect for democracy actually mean gratitude for the hands-off multicultural tolerance that encouraged a very conservative version of Islam or marriage with your first cousin? “We’ve avoided these sort of questions in the past because they are all too difficult.”

Other surveys show that overall residential diversity in Britain is growing but, again, this brighter picture may not be matched by the reality on the ground. The Social Integration Commission has found poor social integration in some highly diverse areas, suggesting that residential integration doesn’t necessarily translate to meaningful social interaction.
The half hour documentary is available on IPlayer:http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode...-british-islam